The pod wishes a Happy Rex Manning Day to everyone who celebrates as we welcome guest and rule-breaker Tony Panzera and his film, the 1995 coming-of-age comedy “Empire Records.” Liv Tyler and Renée Zellweger have turned out to be the biggest stars from this one, which also features Anthony LaPaglia and Debi Mazar, among others.

We likely set a soundtrack record in terms of volume of songs in this episode, so there’s extra attention devoted to the soundtrack. Which is probably a good thing, since the plot is…thin? That, plus some, uh, interesting directorial decisions put this one squarely in the mid-’90s.Make sure you’re following us on Twitter and Instagram @LikeThisMovie and if you have any other Delaware-based movies you’d like to remember, do so by using the hashtag #ITILTM on Twitter.